Saturday, 19 October 2013

The Cast: Chadwick + Bennett

NICK: Chadwick

Name: Nick
Course: Theatre and Performance
Give a brief summary about your character (in your own words): Kanye west incarnate 
In what ways do you consider yourself similar to your character? We look the same when I play him
Where's the last place you went on a night out? Warehouse 
Your favourite song? Walt Grace's submarine test by John Mayer 
If you could be someone for a day, who would it be and why? Russell Brand, so I could throw myself off a high building and make the world a better place
Do you have any secret tattoos/piercings etc? I used to have my left ear pierced 
Tell a fact that is widely unknown about you? I used to live in Switzerland when I was 5
Drink of choice: Webber Martini 
Guilty pleasure: Scrubs quotes 
Favourite line/scene from the play: The 4th scene (not to give anything away)

JACK: Bennett
Name: Jack 
Course: History
Give a brief summary your character: A sadistic guy whose outward confidence hides his inner frustrations
In what ways do you consider yourself similar to your character: None really
Wheres the last place you went on a night out? Warehouse
Your favourite song: Changes but probably James Blake feat Chance the Rapper Life round here at the moment
If you could be someone for a day, who would it be and why? Brian Blessed for obvious reasons
Do you have any secret tattoos/piercings etc? No
Tell a fact that is widely unknown about you? the thought of a cup of tea repulses me
Drink of choice: Old Fashioned
Guilty Pleasure: Made in Chelsea
Favourite Line/scene from the play: Holy Fucking moly on a horse...

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